What Your General Dentist Wants You to Do Everyday

General Dentist Carmel, IN

The primary goal of general dentists is to help their patients prevent oral health concerns from developing through consistent and quality daily oral care techniques. This review discusses several oral care practices that general dentists want their patients to do every day.

Daily oral health recommendations from a general dentist

To reduce the risk of oral health concerns, general dentists recommend that patients brush several times each day, floss and use mouthwash regularly, prevent dry mouth, understand the correlation between dietary choices and oral health, and check for signs of complications. By implementing these oral care recommendations, you can significantly reduce your risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health concerns.

Brush properly in the morning and at night

Brushing is one of the best defenses against dental cavities and gum disease. This is because brushing removes plaque that can accumulate on the surface of teeth and along the gumline, which left unremoved could lead to a breakdown of the dental enamel or the strength of the gums. Subsequently, it is encouraged to brush at least once in the morning and once at night.

Floss at least once per day

Flossing is a great way to remove food particles and plaque that accumulate in hard-to-reach areas between teeth. It is best to floss after each meal and snack. However, individuals should ensure they floss at least once each day before they go to sleep.

Use mouthwash as directed by the general dentist

Mouthwash kills bacteria inside the mouth. If not killed and removed, this bacteria could combine with food particles (e.g., sugar) and create an acidic reaction that damages teeth and gums. Most patients are encouraged to use mouthwash once a day. However, some patients may not need it as often, so talking to the general dentist about mouthwash use is encouraged.

Prevent dry mouth

Dry mouth can increase the risk of oral health concerns because the bacteria and food particles inside the mouth are not being washed away as often as they should be. Preventing dry mouth is relatively easy for most patients. Perhaps the best way to prevent dry mouth is to sip on water throughout the day.

Understand how dietary choices affect oral health

Excessive consumption of sugar and other carbohydrates is known to increase the risk of oral health concerns such as cavities, gum disease, and oral infection. It is best to limit the consumption of sugar and other refined carbohydrates as much as possible. While having sugar once in a while is fine for most patients, understanding the impact certain dietary choices can have on your oral health can help you make more informed decisions to keep your oral health in ideal condition.

Are you due for your next check-up with a general dentist?

Call our general dentist or send us a message to schedule your next check-up and dental cleaning visit. We take pride in helping our patients maintain a clean and healthy smile that looks great all of the time through preventive measures and routine check-up visits and cleanings.

Request an appointment here: https://www.carmelsmilesdentist.com or call Smiles in the Village Dentistry at (317) 200-3679 for an appointment in our Carmel office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Carmel, IN.

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