Be Prepared For A Dental Emergency

Emergency Dentist Carmel, IN

Since one of our services includes emergency dentistry, we know the hardest thing about having a dental emergency can be finding the right care. At that moment, the last thing you want to be doing is spending too much time looking for a provider who can take care of your bleeding tooth or take away a horrible toothache. The sad truth is, most of us wait for this moment before we start looking for the right emergency dentist to provide us with relief. Do not wait until the worst possible moment and give us a call for more information on our emergency dentistry.

Important steps to take before the emergency occurs

The best place to start the search for an emergency dentist is with the regular services provider. Asking one's current dentist if they provide emergency dental services will let an individual know whether or not he or she can call the current dentist or seek emergency care elsewhere. Most dentists can recommend a provider who offers immediate dental care in the emergency situations.

The challenge with waiting to find an emergency dentistry until after the accident is that one will be dependent on the Internet for sources. There are many great providers out there, but whenever one uses the Internet to seek out a medical professional, one usually reads reviews and has to fill out certain forms before the first appointment. An emergency situation does not allow for time to do the research. If an insurance provider does not have an emergency dentist referral, then one can talk to friends and family for possible options.

Don't waste time or postpone emergency treatment

Another tip we offer is to keep our number available in the event of a dental emergency. This way, there is no extra time spent looking the number up online. Also, make sure to find exactly what an insurance company covers for an emergency dental situation. When there is a dental emergency, it is important to treat it the same way as one does a medical emergency. One specific area we always talk to patients about is bleeding.

Upon calling us, one of the questions we will ask is if the gums or teeth are bleeding and how much. We want you to control bleeding quickly. If it is a slow or light bleed, then you can place gauze over the broken or displaced tooth; holding it in place with pressure should stop the bleeding in around 10 minutes. For heavy bleeding or bleeding that will not stop, you need to seek immediate medical attention.

No matter the dental emergency, we will help you get the necessary treatment. Too often, people will wait to seek treatment and let the situation get worse. Call us as soon as the dental emergency occurs for immediate treatment and beneficial results.

Emergency Dentist

We can help in a dental emergency. Our extended hours and weekend availability mean that we can provide treatment when you need it. If you have a toothache or get in an accident, give us a call.

Emergency Dentist

Smiles in the Village Dentistry

At Smiles in the Village Dentistry in Carmel, we work to customize your treatment to match your needs and schedule where possible. Our professional staff aims to create a calm atmosphere for you during the appointment and treatment process. We will identify any dental issues you are struggling with and work with you to find the solution that works best for you.

Our staff seeks to create a comforting environment at the office to ease patients into the procedure. We can help prevent damage to your teeth and set you on track for a lifetime of quality oral health. At Smiles in the Village Dentistry, your dental health is our prime concern.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Emergency Dentist Carmel.

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