6 Benefits You Get from Dental Implants

A dental implant is a man-made metal post that is inserted into the jaw to replace any missing teeth that you might have. A crown will be placed on top of the post to make it look like a completely natural tooth. No one will be able to tell you have a fake tooth at all!There are many benefits that come with dental implants in both health and appearance. Six of these benefits are included in the list below.1. Look and Feel Just Like Natural Teeth: Dental implants are not just strong and durable; they also look just like your natural teeth. Not only that, they feel and work just like natural teeth as well! This is because they are made of a substance called porcelain, which can be adjusted to match the specific shade of your teeth.2. Reduce Bone Loss: Since titanium implants are inserted into your jaw, they make sure to keep the bones in your family secure which helps to keep them strong and prevents bone loss.3. Improves Speech: For patients who currently use dentures, which are removable false teeth, know just how difficult it can be to talk. The dentures become loose and shift around in the mouth often causing slurs and mumbles to come out. When dental implants are in place, there is no need to worry about speaking clearly since implants function just like normal teeth.4. Treat Tooth Sensitivity: Those who have dental implants installed are less likely to have tooth sensitivity, which is especially bothersome when eating very cold or hot meals.5. Lasts Longer Than Other Options: Dental implants are incredibly strong and sturdy. They may never even have to be replaced! While other solutions usually need to be adjusted to change out over a few years, dental implants take at least ten years until they start to worn, though if you take proper care of them then they may last over five times that amount.6. Help Save Nearby Teeth: Unlike bridges and crowns, dental implants do not need nearby teeth to be filed down to replace the tooth. You will not have to ruin any healthy teeth by any means.As you can see from the benefits listed above, dental implants are definitely the choice to decide on to replacing your missing tooth or teeth. In order to find out if implants will work for you, give Smiles in the Village Family Dentistry a call today to schedule an appointment!

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